We know that you, your organisation and ambitions are unique – so we tailor our work to your realities. We develop a genuine partnership with you through our distinctive EQUAL approach:
Explore: Appreciating your context
What lies behind your interest in change?
What aspects of organisational/personal history are important to understand?
What’s already been done to achieve this change?
What have you already learned about what helps and hinders the change you’re looking for?
Question: Asking the right questions
What are the powerful questions that we need to ask and answer?
Understand: Establishing shared understanding
Who’s interested in change and who’s not?
What are the most significant internal and external influences on this change?
What level of capability, capacity and commitment already exists and how can we build on that as we develop what’s needed?
What will impede progress?
Act: Taking wise and best action
Agreeing the range and sequence of development steps
Confirming who needs to be involved and their roles
Anticipating and planning for successes and obstacles
Learn: Evaluating impact and building insight
What’s the intentional and incidental learning?
What do you need to see to demonstrate impact?
How can we improve as we deliver?
How can we sustain and spread the learning?
How we work with you
When you work with us, you will be working with colleagues who want to see you flourish. This means that we bring warmth and enabling challenge; asking powerful questions and offering sometimes uncomfortable observations. We won’t shy away from the development that will support your continuing success.
We will also build your confidence and resourcefulness, working with you to generate fresh perspectives, new possibilities and the courage to change.
Our approach is informed by a shared grounding in organisational psychology, leadership thinking and change theory. Added to this, we bring unique insights into development that really works from our deep and diverse experience. Critically, we understand the importance of working appreciatively, of paying attention to the unconscious in a network of relationships and of learning through experience.